Hello 👋

My name is Per Byhring.
This a place where I publish some things I make for fun and to learn new stuff.

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# Fun With Shaders And Real-Time 3D

Slugs // Ημίθεος γυμνοσάλιαγκας

This scene is inspired by a poem about slugs (but not really). The three.js scene is made up of one PlaneGeometry (for the terrain) and one CylinderGeometry (for the slug) – no lights or out of the box materials. Everything is modeled and painted with GLSL vertex and fragment shaders.

Instanced Mesh Tunnel

A tiny interactive experiment where I wanted to try out how to write InstancedMesh-instances declaratively with my svelte/three-library.

Intentional Jellyfish

This jellyfish was created from a single IcosahedronGeometry. The top ended up looking a bit more like a mushroom. But that's okay.

Unintentional Jellyfish

This was my first go at creating something from scratch after having finished Bruno Simons great chapter on shaders in his Three.js Journey-course. I set out to sculpt a SphereGeometry into a cartoon cloud in the vertex shader. It ended up looking more like a jellyfish, so I doubled down on that.

# Blender Fun

The Outpost

I made this thing because I wanted to try Blenders particle system. So I watched this quick tutorial and felt inspired to create a snowy landscape. I probably went a bit over board with the particles. But hey, that's how I learn. First go crazy and then – once you're done being overly excited about learning a new skill – tone it down and use it sensibly. The robot-model is from Quaternius.

The Outpost 🎥

Pathway To Somewhere / Unsuspected Company

I spent a couple of hours organizing all my asset packs into the new Asset Browser in Blender 3.0. Which felt like, but really wasn't, a dumb thing to do. I found it to improve my work flow immensely. These two images was created from throwing assets together and going "hummm.. haaah.. yes... no.. hummm.. yes" until I liked what I was seeing.

Pathway To Somewhere 📷
Unsuspected Company 📷